Candy is a 1958 novel written by Maxwell Kenton, the pseudonym of Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg, who wrote it in collaboration for the "dirty book" publisher Olympia Press, which published the novel as part of its Traveller's Companion series. The authors worked on the book at a distance from each other, exchanging letters from France and Switzerland. Their fee was exactly $500.
In the center of the plot is the story of a naive and gorgeous young blonde who quickly understands why all men are the same.
The book is considered a classic of black humor and satirizes many aspects of Western life.
In 2006, Playboy Magazine listed Candy among the "25 Sexiest Novels Ever Written", and described the story as a "young heroine's picaresque travels, a kind of sexual pinball machine that lights up academia, gardeners, the medical profession, mystics and bohemians."